урология в Москве - современная урологическая клиника - квалифицированное лечение урологических заболеваний

Центр урологии андрологии и генитальной хирургии.

Лечение заболеваний: импотенция (эректильная дисфункция),  искривление полового члена, болезнь Пейронибесплодие, фимоз, варикоцеле, увеличение полового члена, недержание мочи у женщин и мужчин, рак простаты, аденома простаты.

  • Передовые методики лечения заболеваний в области урологии и андрологии
  • Квалифицированный персонал
  • Внимательное обслуживание пациентов
  • Современное оборудование для проведения сложнейших операций
  • Удобные и уютные палаты
  • Приятная обстановка
  • Передовые методики лечения
  • Квалифицированный и аттестованный персонал
  • Внимательное обслуживание пациентов
  • Современное оборудование для проведения сложнейших операций
  • Удобные и уютные палаты
  • Приятная и уютная обстановка для Вашего здоровья

Лечение бесплатно!

В центре урологии лечение бесплатно по федеральным квотам

Информирую Вас о том, что в ФГБУ ГНЦ ФМБЦ им. А.И. Бурназяна ФМБА России в отделение реконструктивной урологии и андрологии, в связи с дополнительным федеральным квотированием, возможна госпитализация пациентов по ВМП (бесплатно для пациентов)



Реваскуляризация полового члена – современный подход

Статья посвящена описанию реконструкции сосудов полового члена и использованию малых доз ингибиторов ФДЭ-5 в раннем послеоперационном периоде.

Урологический десант в Испании

Ставя перед собой задачу написать отчет о поездке, наверное, традиционно следует начать рассказ с небольшого экскурса в историю. Итак, название Мадрида происходит от арабского «machra» (вода) и «it» (обилие) и означает «источник полных вод».

Ограничение по возрасту 18+

Health care service abilities of our centre

Urology clinic – Moscow’s urology centre.

Our main advantage is our great experience!

We perform high technological microsurgery reconstructive operations in urology, andrology and genital surgery.
Urgent andrology and genital surgery!

We conduct programs for early complex diagnostics and combine treatment of prostate cancer.

Any level of complexity!!! We perform total urogenital reconstructive surgery for patients with malformations and extended - obstructive urethral strictures. Author’s methods!
One the most highly-equipped urology clinics!!!

Up-to-date urology therapy based on innovation methods of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and reconstructive surgery solving complex problems.

About urology clinic – Moscow’s urology centre.

The centre of “Urology, andrology and genital surgery” is opened on the base of Burnazian Federal Medical Biophysical Centre (FGI FMBC). It performs consulting and health care assistance. Highly experienced specialists, MDs and cathedral workers are carrying out examination.

In our centre you can get consultation, examination and treatment of wide spectrum of the urological and male genital diseases of:

  • penis
  • scrotum
  • prostate and urinary bladder
  • urethra
  • kidneys and ureters
  • reproductive system (infertility)

Early integrated diagnostics and combined treatment of prostate cancer program is realized in the centre.

Penis enlargement – how to enlarge penis, surgery?

Penis enlargement (penis stretching).

Penis appears to be one of the most popular organs of the human body, that causes lots of emotions and talks about it. Many scientists believe, that erected penis sizes commonly are from 12 to 20 cm. Some of them consider that optimal sizes are from 13 to 18 cm.

Penis sizes depend on the level of sexual hormones during the pubescence. The redundancy of sexual hormones forms a big penis, often reaching 25-30 cm at length during erection. When the level of sexual hormones is low penis sizes can be 12-14 cm. Commonly penis sizes are between 16-18cm.

In spite of widely-spread opinion erection and ability to give pleasure to a woman doesn’t depend on penis size, when they are normal. No matter if it 12 or 20 cm, everything would depend on the other man abilities.

Small sizes of the pines (micropenis, less then 10 cm during erection) can indicate low level of male sex hormones and/or endocrine inherited diseases.

Penis enlarging surgery is indicated when sizes of your penis lay between 12-20 cm. Penis enlargement is reached by the cavernose bodies release operation. Due to such operations in combination with special extender we can enlarge penis up to 3-5 cm.

In our center you can get the following enlarging operations:

- Penis enlargement without surgery using modern extendenders

- Stretching cavernous surgery using autotissue or synthetic material

- Surgery operation

Penis Prosthetsis (falloprosthetsis)

Penis Prosthetsis  (falloprosthetsis)At the present time falloprosthesis is a radical treatment of the erectile dysfunction. The treatment assumes intrusion of silicone prosthesis in cavernous bodies of the penis. Several types of prosthesis (presented bellow) have been developed.

Indications for falloprosthesis:

Cavernous bodies fibrosis

Aged male erectile dysfunction

Penis trauma

Erectile disorder after pelvic and prostate surgery (prostatectomy, cystectomy, TURP, adenomectomy)

Peyronie's disease

Were developed and put into practice several types of falloprosthesis:

Semirigid falloprosthesis

Malleable falloprosthesis

Inflatable and hydraulic falloprosthesis

Semirigid falloprosthesis present pair elastic silicon cylinders. They don’t change their shape, that’s why the penis is always erected after falloprosthesis. It can make some inconvenience. Semigrid falloprosthesis are less physiological than other types of prosthesis.

Malleable falloprosthesis (Malleable 650 and 600M) also consist of two rigid cylinders, which possess “memory” due to specific alloy. Prosthesis “remind” its shape. It’s enough to stretch the penis before sex. Then it is put in the usual position.

Inflatable and hydraulic falloprosthesis (Ambicor and Ultrex) are the most advanced constructions at the present time. They are more physiological and consist of two silicon hollow pipes, filled with fluid. Pump is put into the scrotum and reservoir is placed near the bladder behind the pubic bone. So when the pump is squeezed, fluid goes to the working part of the prosthesis (pipes), and provides erection.
Partial monoprosthetics of the residual penis.

Спасибо, если рассказали друзьям, о нашем центре урологии !!!

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